
What is children’s “ministry”? Children’s ministry is about, "Training kids to be a light to the WORLD!" We believe that a children's ministry should be much more than just a place to go while the adults are serving and worshipping. Our goal is to assist parents to help our children understand our Bible and love the God who wrote it. We want to help children understand that our Bible is full of stories of real people with real problems from real places. It is a history book, yet it is much more! It is His Story, provided by our God, our Creator, to show us Jesus Christ, and how to live our life every day in a manner that is pleasing to Him. Our leaders strive to help children understand God's Word, apply it to their life, then share those truths with others in our community.
So, what do we do?


Sunday Morning

Sunday School is divided into four departments: nursery – infants to 2 yrs. old. Separate classes for 2 & 3 yrs. old, 4-7 yrs. old, 8-12 yrs. old. After Sunday School, parents may pick up their children to sit in the adult service with them, or, children up to 7 yrs. old may attend “children’s church”; services designed specifically for their age group.

Sunday Afternoon/ Wednesday Evening

We encourage parents to have their children sit with them during these services.

Other Opportunities

1. Children’s Choir:  Children's choirs give our kids an opportunity to praise the Lord through music. They will learn songs and some fundamental truths of singing while serving with their friends. Our children's choirs will sing periodically throughout the year in our Sunday afternoon service and other special occasions.

The Children’s Choir plays a major role in our ministry during the holiday season…especially Christmas time.  Typically they put on a Christmas play each year that is presented for our annual Christmas program here at the church, and in the community as well.

2. Jr. Boys Club:  Junior Boys Club is meant for young boys, kindergarten through 6th grade.  This club is designed to teach and challenge boys with Biblical character qualities necessary for succeeding in honoring the Lord.  As well as practical instruction and application of Biblical manhood principles.

There is a lot of fun involved as well.  Group activities, camp outs, serving projects, etc. Our leaders are faithful servants of the Lord and committed to the next generation.  Jr. Boys club will typically meet once a month for activities.